You can also use your debit card to purchase things online as well. You will just have to have the card number, the expiration date, your PIN, and the verification code on the back of the card handy. Some vendors treat the debit card as a credit card, swiping the card without requiring a PIN number. A Debit Mastercard ® is a payment card that deducts money directly from your checking account. Whether you want to get a cup of coffee, make a payment, get cash, shop online, use Apple Pay, set up recurring payments, transfer funds, or pay by phone, a debit card is the convenient, secure, A Debit Mastercard ® is a payment card that deducts money directly from your checking account. Whether you want to get a cup of coffee, make a payment, get cash, shop online, use Apple Pay, set up recurring payments, transfer funds, or pay by phone, a debit card is the convenient, secure, and smart way to get it done – everywhere Mastercard